
"At the source of all knowledge there is an idea, a thought,
then experience confirms the idea. "
(Claude BERNARD)
The site is for informational purposes to healthcare practitioners only and the content is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice from a health care professional.
We do not endorse, recommend or approve
Our hypothesis
Bucket Theory
Corridor theory
Our protocol since February 2020
(must be adapted to vaccinated patients as they do not respond as well to antihistamines)
The original protocol has been modified to incorporate symptoms targeting,
please contact Dr Arminjon for more information.

Online participation
This collaboration is a purposeful relationship in which all parties from different Countries strategically choose to share information, resources, as well as make joint decisions and solve problems to advance to access effectiveness against Covid19.
Ceticov will not use any of the information provided/published on this site for any financial purposes.
Ceticov19.org is a
non-commercial entreprise
information shared
The concept of “virtual collaborative” care teams has been adopted widely in many medical facilities.
The rapid advice guidelines
encouraging adherence
to a Covid treatment
and protocol.
This website is presenting the experiences and contributions of teams from different countries, in order to allow each practitioner to access information quickly regarding the use of antihistamines (combined or not) and this, for a single purpose: that each practitioner can, in his soul and conscience and in a manner which is as informed and documented as possible, adapt his/her treatment and care.
In addition to this, you need to know more about the disease.
We are not facing just a health emergency,
but a health emergency and economic disaster.
Also, we need to know more about it from your experience.
"This urgency takes precedence over academic comfort, each practitioner must make a choice: let's help as many as possible by communicating effectively the results and to
as many people as possible".

Let's connect:
We welcome data, publications related to the use of AntiH1 for the treatment of Covid-19 patients. All information should be send using our special contributors email address. By forwarding the information which will not be modified in any way, you are giving automatically the authorisation to CetiCov to publish it on this site with your credentials. Do not use the contributors email [collaborate] if you do not want the content of your email published. You can send publications in your native tongue (however an English translation would be appreciated).